Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Random December

December began with me in Vancouver for the Canadian Youth Workers Convention. Highlights were seeing Ali and catching up, and hanging with Christine.

Something I need to do: TAKE MORE PICTURES!
I completely forgot to get some of me and Ali, and our visits happen way to infrequently to be forgetting to take pictures. And we just got back from the mountains, and all my pictures were taken in the van. All 5 of them. That's just wrong. Frozen fingers that can't even undo buckles are not great for holding the camera, let alone finding the button... I'll have to do something about that.

Five of us did a quick weekend trip to the mountains - stayed in a hostel in Banff and rode Lake Louise on Saturday and Sunshine on Sunday. Not quite enough snow to cover the rocks yet, and it was COLD. Other than that, it was good like a snowboarding road trip with friends.

Joke of the day - this is a laugh AT me kind of joke... So I picked up water last week and then forgot to bring the jugs in from the garage before we went away this weekend. Oops. Here's a shot of the frozen jugs thawing in my tub...