Top Ten Things To Know About Me
- I am a Christian, so everything I experience and do is filtered through my relationship with Jesus.
- I was widowed at 30, and left with a four year old.
- I am happily married a second time, and am a stay at home mom again with a daughter just starting high school and a toddler son.
- I am an introvert (INFJ) and would happily stay home most of the time.
- I value relationships and so I also happily get out of the house for playdates and book club.
- I like to sew and to make money off the things I sew. (Check out my shop?)
- I like to stay fit and try to eat smart.
- I like to sit and read and eat cookies, too. It's all about the balance...
- I scrapbook and make cards, and am trying to write more letters and send more mail!
- I blog to stay connected with family (I moved 6 hours away from mine, so they can't see my kids every day) and friends, and to share our stories.