The little man is five months old today. I took him for some vaccinations this afternoon - he did pretty good & only cried for a short time. He's weighing in at 18 1/2 pounds, which is a little closer to average; not quite topping the charts like when he was born.
Teeth - Still just two, but he's been working on some more. We are attributing some crankiness and pain and drooling and snotty nose to teething, anyway.
Food - We started 'solids' a few weeks ago. Rice cereal and oat cereal have both been fine, cantaloupe was a little bit tougher on him, so we left that one till later, carrot was okay, as was banana; they both made his digestive system work a little harder, though. We were feeding him a bit morning and night, but have backed off a bit - with the teething and being tired at supper time, his interest has waned a little, and I wanted to give his belly a break, too. He's still nursing fine.
He's starting to sit - he balances quite well and has been sitting longer every day. He's at the very beginning stages of crawling - he can push himself up with his arms and get his knees up, then he flops back on his belly and gets frustrated. He's moving around lots; I never know where he's be in his crib when I go to get him. He's pretty good at keeping his blanket on him, even with the moving!
His favorite game is peek-a-boo, sort of; he loves to pull his blankets or toys up on his face.
I'll get some photos up here for you tomorrow if I can find a few minutes. I won't take the time tonight because Nolan went down for the night at 6, and I'm not sure if that will mean we're up in the middle of the night, or just very early in the morning. Either way, it's time for bed for me!
I've been spending my spare time sewing magic bags and making a few other things for a craft sale this weekend, but I just got word tonight that too many people have cancelled their tables, so they're not holding it after all. So tonight I'm blogging instead. And tomorrow (after I post pictures!) I'll go back to working on my quilt... I'm hoping to get it done by the end of the month.