September. Back to school and routine; funny how even though it's only one out of four in our family that is back to school, it still affects us all.
Madeline of course has the biggest changes - new school, having to get up earlier and walk half an hour to get there (which she enjoys, actually), getting to go out at lunch with her friends and get a drink at Starbucks if she wants... Ah, the freedom. I've mentioned soccer - that's a change, too, because now she's playing full field, 11 man, 90 minute games. Youth group is also different; she's in senior youth now at church, and with different connections through camp, is interested in going to groups at other churches. Ours is on Tuesdays, so that frees up her Friday nights to go with friends to theirs - I won't complain about the extra driving for that kind of a social life!
I also got an inhaler for her today. She's had a cough for a while, and since we were at the doctor's anyway, I had him check it out. Sounds like asthma, so she'll puff it up till the snow comes and see how it goes.
Changes for Nolan are coming up. I'm planning to take him to the toddler storytime at the library, and he's registered for his first round of swimming lessons later this fall. He'll be in the 'Duck' class. He was sleeping through the night finally, but now is back to waking some... grr. Will it never end? He's got a cold which made last night really bad; hopefully when that's gone we can all get back to better sleeps. He's learning lots of words and growing - those developmental spurts can be attributed to messing up sleep at this stage, too. Sigh. If you ever wanted to send up a prayer for us, we'd sure appreciate it!!
Changes for me? My days are simpler again, with just Nolan around. Planning for suppers can be challenging having to be flexible around M's soccer schedule, but we're settling into a routine where Sean will pick up subs or something after work and come out and join us at her games, so really I end up cooking less. I do have to make M's lunch the night before, which sometimes is a chore if I forget until I'm ready for bed, but isn't too bad usually, and it makes the mornings way smoother. I used to send leftovers or something that needed heating up lots, though, and now with only two microwaves for the whole cafeteria, I'm sending way more sandwiches. Takes more planning since I can't just send what's on hand. The plus side of that is that it's not a peanut free school, so pb & jelly, honey or banana are back in rotation!
I also am planning to do another craft sale later in November. Part of me wonders why, since I have done really poorly at most sales I've ever been in, and there are other outlets to sell my stuff, but this is just a one day event close by, so it won't be a huge waste if nothing sells. Six hours is more manageable than a whole weekend to be away from my family, too.
Sean is probably the least affected by September's back to routine. The biggie is that instead of M coming up from her room after Dad leaves, she is now eating her breakfast when we come down and then playing piano while he's still home. I'll admit that I like the togetherness before everyone goes their own way.
I hope your September is full of joy and stress free.