A few weeks ago we hit the road to 'One Great City' to take in the Canadian National Women's Soccer game against USA, and to have some family time. Here are a few favourite shots.
So exciting. Loved the sunset view, too! It was a great game - we scored in the first half and the US didn't answer the goal until near the end of the game, making it a 1-1 tie. US is ranked #1 in the world and we are ranked #7, so it was pretty impressive.
My fam!! We are the 3 in the first row, the 5 behind them & the 4 behind them. My other 2 are off walking.
At the {brand new} park the next day. We adults had slide races, and M got this shot of me and Mom - I see where I get my slide style from! Matchy matchy!! Ha ha.
Follow the leader...
Apparently my brother has spent more time training his kids in this fine art than I have... I really did laugh out loud at this one, all by myself here.
At Levi's rugby game. Nolan had a great time exploring in the woods.
Just loved this shot.
This is the boy who made me an aunt, way back almost 17 years ago.
Love this.
Go Pipers! Back in the day I also played Piper rugby at John Taylor. (And we were Provincial winners, too!) I'm sure he's not really scowling at me...
My beauty. She and the rugby player above are 3-months-apart twinsies.
So this was one of the funniest things ever. Here is K, my lovely niece in her dance recital costume after the dress rehearsal.
Madeline posing with K...
And Z wanted to get in on the posing, too, of course.
Enter Nolan, with the instructions to "Put your hands on your hips!" So he walks over and puts his hands on Z's. I'm still laughing. So funny.
Got it!