Tuesday, November 15, 2016


The last week ended up being full of shared meals.

We had some old neighbours over for supper, a morning visit with friends that ended around the lunch table, brunch at friends on Remembrance Day and supper with two couples the next night. We had billets for the weekend for our church's youth retreat, and while we did breakfast mostly in shifts, we shared food and space, and then had Sunday lunch at Gramma & Grampa's. 

We do try to be intentional about spending time with friends, but it's usually once every couple of weeks, if that.  With so many visits this week, and especially sharing meals, I got to thinking about hospitality.  Nothing too deep, just that this is how God meant for us to live.  In community.  Sharing our food, our homes, our lives.  Showing each other that 'you matter to me'.  It makes life feel fuller and richer, to share it with others.

So I encourage you to call up those friends and have them over.  Don't stress about the menu, the house, the kids; just do it and enjoy.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10)  Amen.

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