Sunday, March 07, 2010

Three for Saturday

ONE - We spent the day at Mission Ridge with the youth from the church.  I'm grateful that Byron takes them every year, because there are not many other times that M gets on skis or a snowboard!  She skied today, but said she'd ride next year.  Sean and I spent lots of our time hitting jumps and boxes.  Man we'd be good if we did this more!  (Meaning that in reality, a jump of a couple of inches without falling makes me happy.)

TWO - I joined zoo world on facebook.  Tonight I got levels 7, 8, 9 and 10.  I just bred an eagle.  Silly game.  :)

THREE - Three is the number of shops that are now selling my magic bags.  Yipee!  They were in two to start with, and the hospital gift shop down the street took some at first sight yesterday.  I took them to two places last week and three this week and am hoping to hear back from at least a couple that seemed pretty interested.    Wish me luck with the other places!  If they all say yes, I could be in 7 shops!

(I intended this to be "Six for Saturday," but ran out of things to say...)

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