Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Commandments... In Rhyme

I was making a little progress decluttering and came across this poem I had copied out in a class while my professors sang it.  I will share it here with you, but you'll have to come up with your own tune, or track down Paul Beckingham and ask him to sing it for  you.

The Ten Commandments
Thou shalt have no God but me, 
Before no idol bow thy knee.
Take not the name of God in vain, 
Nor dare the Sabbath day profane.
Give both thy parents honor due, 
Take heed that thou no murder do.
Abstain from words and deeds unclean, 
Nor steal through thou art poor and mean.
Make no willful lie nor love it,
What is thy neighbour's, do not covet.

May some of you find this useful as a fun tool to teach your kids the Word.

PS - Spell check did not like 'decluttering' and instead, recommended cluttering, sputtering, fluttering or muttering.

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