Wednesday, March 09, 2011

A Day Away

  • Hearing a middle aged Asian man reading English with a 30ish tutor in the downtown public library in Saskatoon as I write.  I applaud people who make time to help people learn.
  • The chocolate bar Sean tucked in the pocket of the perfect black messenger bag he got me for my birthday was decadent.
  • I'll pick up Carla from her conference in an hour and a half, and we'll probably take in a movie to make the most of our day and a half away from our families.
  • Scott's Parable was an easy hour of browsing; Tim Horton's sandwiches for supper were just right after we had spent too much time browsing.  Our bellies were still happy from our Fuddrucker's lunch, anyway.
  • The library is closing in 15 minutes; I'm have to find somewhere to kill another hour.  This has been a worthwhile stop - I've read a writer's magazine and a triathalon magazine.  I'm neither a triathlete nor a writer, but maybe when I grow up... 
  • Earlier today I had the prettiest latte I've ever had, in an empty local coffee shop, made by a man with a long gray ponytail.

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