Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bus Blues

First Day of School!

She said she had a great day, got the teacher she wanted, one friend she was hoping to be in the same class with isn't again this year, and one trouble making friend tattled to the teacher that she spoke English... back to the same old, same old.

This is our second year doing the bus thing - last year was pretty smooth for the most part. This year, off to a rocky start. The bus never showed up this morning, or was more than 18 minutes late, which is when I drove Madeline and the other boy she waits with to school, getting them there after the 9 o'clock start. She is supposed to get picked up at 8:41 this year, which is 8 minutes later than last year. We're ok with that. I pulled into the garage about 5 to 4 this afternoon, hoping I had beat her here - we've got the plan in place if she gets home before me, but I was hoping I wasn't late on her first day! No sign of her for the first while - there were a couple of buses, but not the right ones, I guess. I gave it some slack, knowing that if she gets picked up later, she might get dropped off later, too... I don't panic easily, but I was starting to wonder when it was 20 after and still no sign of her. No phone calls to say she was still at school, so I just kept watching for the bus. Finally at the 4th bus sighting, there she was - at 26 minutes after 4, almost a full hour after school let out - "He missed my stop, TWICE" she said. Ok, so we'll see what time she gets here tomorrow...


Jessica said...

I did bus duty at the begining of last year and the first couple of days were a mess. With all the new additions and route changes we were late for the first day too.

Tera said...

hopefully it will all be straightened out by mondaymy kids were later getting home today too...I don't think they arrived till almost 4:15, when they got here at 3:50 last year...and they have the same driver...go figure!